EXHIBIT ROOMS JAMES ALBERT NOE, SR.AIRCRAFT AND VEHICLES ON DISPLAYB.A. “GUS” PETTERSONE.D. BO SHAW, JR.FRED C. CULPEPPER, JR.GEN. CLAIRE L. CHENNAULTKITTY DEGREEMALCOLM S. BIEDENHARNNELSON D. ABELL, JR.EXHIBIT: JAMES ALBERT NOE, SR. Subheadline spaceVideo PlayerMedia error: Format(s) not supported or source(s) not foundDownload File: https://chennaultmuseum.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Noe%201.mp400:00Exhibit Room: James Albert Noe SrDisplay: Army Exhibit RoomDisplay: World War IDisplay: World War I and II German ArtifactsDisplay: World War II Army