A Message from our CEO
“It requires more courage and honesty to fight the battles of peace time successfully than those of war.” General Claire Lee Chennault (1940)
I am always amazed at my grandfather’s farsighted wisdom. This quote is especially relevant today, as we face a number of problems that cannot be solved through military force. The more that I study his words and works, the more I appreciate his true service and sacrifice for both China and the U.S. I would be hard-pressed to know what I admire the most: his military genius or his humanity toward people in need.
Many people are drawn to the museum because of the legendary General Chennault and his Flying Tigers. When they think of General Chennault, they think of him as a warrior and tactical genius, but few know of the humanitarian side. He was initially hired to come to China and to do a survey of the Chinese military which would take approximately three months. He arrived in China in June of 1937 and, within a matter of weeks, started on a 4500-mile journey to do the survey. When the survey was done, he not only found out how far behind China was in their Air Force in both airplanes and pilots, but he also witnessed firsthand the atrocities that the Japanese were inflicting on the Chinese people. When the war started only a few weeks later, he was determined to help. He offered his services to the military and to the people. He was hired as the Chief Air Advisor to the Chinese Air Force, and in 1941, he founded the Flying Tigers American Volunteer Group. He would go on to serve China for the next four years, eventually reenlisting in the U.S. Military. But his concerns also went beyond military aid. I have a copy of a letter from Madame Chaing Kai-Shek dated June 14th, 1940, thanking him for his support of an orphanage in Chungking. He supported these orphans for many years to come.
The quote above is from a man who had been fighting a ruthless war for over three years. He saw the futility of war, that it only brought up new problems of the future, and that “some maybe even more difficult than those of 1939”.
This is a pivotal election year, and the future of our country will be decided by this Presidential election. It will undoubtedly take a great leader to have the honesty and the courage to fight for peaceful solutions to our current problems. Whether you are a Democrat or Republican, I hope everyone will take the time to listen to the candidates and look for the qualities required to be a wise, skillful, and respected leader. As Americans, whether Republican or Democrat, let us all remember that we have far more that unites us than divides us.
God Bless America,
Nell Calloway
A little piece of History…
In March 1943, the United States would suffer one of the most humiliating defeats in its history as the Imperial Japanese forces overran the American and Filipino units defending the Philippines. The Empire of Japan, seeking to deny the United States a base of operations only a few hundred miles from the Japanese Home Islands, launched an invasion of the Philippine Archipelago immediately after their raid on Pearl Harbor.
Acquired as a territory by the United States in the 1898 Treaty of Paris at the end of the Spanish-American War, the Commonwealth of the Philippines possessed only a fledgling army complemented by a small contingent of U.S. Army units; both were wholly incapable of resisting the Japanese invasion. The Imperial Japanese Navy dominated the Philippine Sea and prevented both reinforcement and rescue of the American-Philippine garrison. On March 11, 1943, General Douglas MacArthur–serving as Field Marshal of the Philippine Army–fled the island of Corregidor vowing to return. 23,000 American and 100,000 Filipino military personnel were killed or captured.
The Liberation of the Philippines would commence in October of 1944 as the U.S. Sixth Army, U.S. Third Fleet, and U.S. Fifth Air Force, supported by Philippine guerillas, launched an invasion of Leyte. Over one million Allied soldiers, sailors, and airmen commanded by the vengeful Douglas MacArthur participated in the Second Philippines Campaign. The fearless resistance against the Japanese occupation by the Filipino guerillas would earn them their nation’s independence from the United States in 1946, birthing the Republic of the Philippines.
Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day!
Please join us for our Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day. March 29th at 11 AM. Texas Roadhouse West Monroe will be on site with their delicious lunch. Veterans will eat free and all others will be a $10 donation. Please join us and help us spread the word.
Race for the Red, White and Blue
Join us for another amazing Race for the Red, White and Blue. Sign up is now available! Set your alarms now for May 25th, 2024!
Run for the Red, White & Blue 5K/1K Run/Walk (runsignup.com)

The Airshow is gearing up for a comeback! We are currently booked for performers and still waiting on more confirmations. This show will not disappoint! Talent from all over the county and maybe more 🙂
We are looking forward to an amazing show! The Airshow will return May 3rd, 4th and 5th, 2024!
Follow us on Facebook for more information as it becomes available.
March is the last month to get a discount so get your tickets soon! Use code March10 at checkout and buy your tickets early!
This airshow brings an exciting way to celebrate veterans’ history, and we are so thrilled to bring this amazing community event back for year 3!
Visiting Journalist
Min Zhou has joined us this week to dig deeper into General Chennault’s history with advancing the Chinese Air Force during World War II. Be on the lookout for her documentary. We will share it here in a few months!
Coffee with the Curator
Click the image to view a recent Coffee with the Curator about Selman Field.Join us on Facebook for a virtual tour every Thursday during Coffee with the Curator. Roy Bullock, our curator, discusses different topics and personal experiences each week. If you’re interested in staying up to date with our videos, like our Facebook page.
Become A Member Today
The Chennault Aviation & Military Museum is an organization that is dedicated to bringing unique exhibits to visitors from all over the world, as well as many exciting projects and programs to the people of Louisiana. Purchasing a membership is a great way for you or your company to support these projects. We have options for annual donations ranging from $25 to $5,000!
To purchase a membership for you, your company or move up a level (and get all the awesome benefits) visit our website or the museum today! If you have any questions, please contact Suzy at (318) 362-5540.
Thank you for your continued patronage!
Gift Shop Items Available!
Lots of items in our gift shop! Don’t want to leave the house? Shop online for all your Chennault Aviation & Military Museum goodies. They make perfect gifts! Click here to buy your set now.